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R Heiden <>
2010-02-25 River Falls (Wis.) Journal, pp. A1 & A3 (U,UW,?NOV?,J.Swenson)(& 2-24 Ellsworth PCH)
Mon, 19 Apr 2010 13:00:53 -0700 (PDT)
River Falls (Wis.) Journal, Feb. 25, 2010, pp. A1 and A3, ??Things come out of my head?/ Remembering John Swenson: Word for word, man of letters,? by Phil Pfuehler, editor of the paper. Obituary of John Swenson (age 83). See the last 6 paragraphs of body, about his ?factual? science fiction book, ?The Crew.?
'Things come out of my head'
River Falls Journal - Phil Pfuehler - Feb 27, 2010
While the extraterrestrials, called Runwaonians, differ from humanity, there are passages that imply intriguing links: ?They are members of the ...
The next day I got this?same URL address and text, but posted later:
'Things come out of my head'
River Falls Journal - Phil Pfuehler - 14 hours ago [AS OF FEB. 28, 4:01 PM]
While the extraterrestrials, called Runwaonians, differ from humanity, there are passages that imply intriguing links: ?They are members of the ...
Published February 28 2010
?Things come out of my head?
John Swenson was a town of Kinnickinnic farmer for decades, but many people will recall that his named appeared often on the Journal?s editorial pages.
By: Phil Pfuehler, River Falls Journal
Swenson on his tractor
John Swenson started farming dairy and beef cattle off and on in 1947 on Halo Drive in the town of Kinnickinnic. In the 1970s he added a second farm briefly in the town of River Falls. According to a May 1974 story in the River Falls Journal, Swenson rigged a system to convert cow manure into energy producing methane gas, dubbed ?cow-power.? By the late 1970s Swenson and some area farmers promoted the use of corn and grain crops as a fuel source (ethanol). Swenson was motivated by rising foreign oil costs. Submitted photos. [sic--there is just the one photo online, though the printed article had three]
John Swenson was a town of Kinnickinnic farmer for decades, but many people will recall that his named appeared often on the Journal?s editorial pages.
Swenson, who died last week at age 83, was a prolific letter writer as well as a self-published author.
His four books were ?My Navy Experience: 1943-1946;? ?Just Looking out the Back Door;? ?Stuff;? and ?The Crew.? Copies of each can be checked out at the River Falls Public Library.
Mary Murphy served briefly with Swenson when they were elected to the Kinnickinnic Town Board.
?John was a good teacher and mentor,? she said. ?I admired his sense of public duty and how he understood the importance of participating in the democratic process.
?We all know he was full of interesting opinions and he researched them quite well. He will be missed as a good citizen in our community.?
Swenson?s writing was salty, practical, cranky, philosophical, provocative and, yes, not always easy to follow or agree with.
Agree or disagree didn?t matter. Daughter Toni Christiansen, a Westside first grade teacher, said her dad ?wanted to get people to think.?
?That was his goal,? she said. ?He would even take the opposite point of view from what he sometimes believed, just for the sake of discussion.?
Here are John Swenson letter excerpts that appeared over time in the Journal:
Can one improve a product so much it is no longer desirable or less useful? Consider the tomato ? once so beautiful, juicy and tasty. Now you can play catch with them and ship them in bulk containers without fear of damaging their newly designed skins?Did we go too far?
The Cold War is over and the USA is now the largest arms dealer in the world! We are dispensing destruction to 70% of the nations, one of which could then become our worst enemy. This means one third of our G.N.P. is based upon keeping the hate parade going between ethnic groups of states in constant turmoil?Isn?t it anticlimactic that we must sell lives and injuries to survive?
This I know: If Mary, mother of Jesus, had been stoned for an out-of-wedlock pregnancy (it was a common practice then), we would not have had the Savior to emulate right from wrong. We would not have forgiveness for our sins.
The answer to parking problems in town is not in limiting a customer?s parking time. When they return to the car with arm loads of packages, why slap them in the face again with a ridiculous parking fine?
Maybe this should go to the City Council, Mayor Duane Pederson, and the city?s advisors pushing for outright war with the townships four?This ain?t Chicago or New York. You cannot dictate to us. We are separate municipalities chartered under the laws of the state of Wisconsin and are extended certain protections. Trying to extend taxation into our town governments will most likely be a futile attempt.
In Europe people are proud to extol the history of the buildings they occupy. We, on the other hand, don?t let them get old enough to put on the historical register, but tear them down demanding new walls and roof no matter how solid they may be!
Let me ask how many jobs in River Falls are held direct or indirect because of the agribusiness industry? Whole departments at UW-RF, the grocery stores and help all rely on the products we farmers raise.
Compact fluorescent lamps?I have a new report in front of me by a doctor who identified another danger: Electromagnetic frequency exposure that could do harm to the body. Incidentally, his wife broke one, so they lived the trauma.
Surcharges? We understood when gas was high, but few businesses dropped them when the emergency ended. They kept it as a new profit center.
We were concerned about rising transportation costs, then went to the drugstore to check out if we bought all our drugs at one store, might we save a bit? The answer solved both problems. I sat with my wife and extrapolated our savings on drugs for the year: $1,204!
Swenson?s son Bob, a town of Pleasant Valley dairy farmer, was another who didn?t always agree with his father. But he admitted his dad soaked up so much information that he was impossible to out-debate.
?He?d often stop by, sit at the kitchen table and expound on some topic,? Bob said. ?Then a week later he?d call and ask if I?d read his letter in the paper. I?d tell him I didn?t have to because I already knew what it was about from his talk.?
John Swenson told the Journal in September 1993 that letter writing was healthier and wiser for a man of his advanced age.
?Long ago I used to be able to sit and argue,? he said. ?I was never violently argumentative, but now I can?t think as fast. So I do it with written words ? and they came slow.?
Slow or not, the words and ideas accumulated. In his book ?Stuff,? with chapters like ?Highway Beauty,? ?Fat Cats,? ?Easter Chicken,? ?Growth, Is it a Sin?? and ?Functionally Illiterate,? Swenson explains the writing urge:
?Things come out of my head, and I cannot help myself so I write them down?The recommended reading place is in the bathroom. The pages in this book were specially designed for dual purpose ? use and recycling. If at some point you don?t agree with me, you can use a page to make a statement of your own.?
?Stuff? was dedicated ?to my lovely wife, Ardis F. Nestrud Swenson.? At the time of John Swenson?s death last week, the couple was married for 62 years and five months.
Ardis ? or ?Ardie? as she?s called ? said John was the ?love of my life who would do anything for me?
While in theory she edited her husband?s letters and books, Ardie said John didn?t like her to change much.
?I was more a period-and-comma person,? she said. ?But I was really astounded by some of the things he wrote. He was smart.?
In ?My Navy Experience,? John Swenson chronicled being the new recruit after enlisting at age 17 and later getting a ?dear john? letter. He was to be on major invasions in the Pacific, including at Iwo Jima.
When I got my ship?our first duties and for three months was called ?mess cooking? where we peeled spuds and onions and served the food on fold-out tables in the bunking quarters. We were the newest ones on board, so we had to do the least liked tasks?
(From Hawaii) I was writing to a sort of favorite girl back in River Falls. I went to a Sears Roebuck store and bought her a grass skirt and top. About the time she got it she wrote to me and said she got married to some guy from Utah. So I never saw her model it which was I was looking forward to.?
>From ?Just Looking out the Back Door?:
Once in a while you should take the time to object to accepted clichés of wisdom?It is often stated in the area of salary justification for public servants, etc., you must keep raising the pay scale to keep and attract the best qualified people. That is simply not true! You merely attract the most greedy?
How valuable is a surgeon without the support of nurses, aides, and sanitary engineers to follow and complete what he started?I am not against anyone who achieves an enviable lifestyle, but this class distinction when we place more dollar value on the work of an economist than a janitor is ludicrous.
Swenson?s most unusual book is ?The Crew,? marketed as science fiction though Swenson suggests the story is factual:
Because of the extraordinary contents of this report, the publishers have agreed to print it only under the heading of science fiction?Since this manuscript was first sent to a publisher, strangers have been at my place much oftener than usual. The home has been burgled twice, nothing was taken, only thoroughly searched?The log books are not here, but under lock and key many miles away. Perhaps this message will dissuade them from further searches.
The narrative begins when Swenson and his wife bump into an airport stranger while returning from a vacation in Las Vegas.
The man excuses himself to make an urgent phone call, never returns but hands them an envelope with a baggage claim that leads to a brown leather suitcase. Inside is a cryptic set of notes about a human crew?s experiences with an alien, telepathic species and a corridor used for rapid spacetime travel.
While the extraterrestrials, called Runwaonians, differ from humanity, there are passages that imply intriguing links: ?They are members of the intergalactic intelligence of the universe?The Earth and all inhabitable planets have been visited in ancient times by beings from the skies They?ve stayed a while, intermarried, gave birth and went away leaving a genetic trace that all tribes of the galaxies possess.
?(Runwaonians) live, learn, work, propagate, practice a religion, grow old and die, embracing the belief that mortal life is just a stopping place till they return to their God and giver of all life in the universe.?
See more photos in the Feb. 25 print edition of the River Falls Journal
See some additional Google hits (not under ?Google News?) for John Swenson?s death:
Eau Claire (Wis.) Leader-Telegram, Feb. 20, 2010, p. 2B (in the ?CITY/REGION? section), ?Death Notices? column. (I checked the issues of Feb. 17-24, and this is the only such item for Swenson that I found.) The Leader-Telegram uses different terminology from some papers (like the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel)?the short ?Death Notices? are free, and the much longer ?Obituaries? are paid ads.
Leader Telegram: People - Death Notices
Feb 19, 2010 ... Friends may call an hour before services at the funeral home. SWENSON. , John W., 83, of River Falls died Tuesday at United Hospital in St. ...
Death Notices
Posted: Friday, February 19, 2010 11:00 pm
SWENSON, John W., 83, of River Falls died Tuesday at United Hospital in St. Paul.
Services will be at 12:30 p.m. today at Rush River Lutheran Church where there will be full military honors.
Friends may call an hour before services at the church.
Cashman-Hill Funeral & Cremation Services of River Falls is handling arrangements.
Posted in Death notices on Friday, February 19, 2010 11:00 pm
John Swenson Obituary: John Swenson's Obituary by the Pioneer Press.John W. Swenson. Photo. Age 83, of River Falls Died February 16, 2010 at United Hospital, St. Paul. Services: 12:30pm, Sat., 2/20, at Rush River Lutheran ...
John W. Swenson
Age 83, of River Falls Died February 16, 2010 at United Hospital, St. Paul. Services: 12:30pm, Sat., 2/20, at Rush River Lutheran Church, N8623 Cty Rd Y, River Falls. Vis. 3-8pm, Friday at the church and 1 hr. prior on Sat.
Published in Pioneer Press on February 18, 2010 e-mail print
River Falls (Wis.) Journal. Feb. 25, 2010, p. (page number per note after the longer obituary on p. A3.)
John W. Swenson, 83
Obituaries | River Falls Journal | River Falls ...Feb 19, 2010 ... John W. Swenson, 83, of River Falls, died Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010, at United Hospital in St. Paul. John was born on April 12, 1926, ...
Published February 19 2010
John W. Swenson, 83
Feb. 16, 2010
John W. Swenson, 83, of River Falls, died Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010, at United Hospital in St. Paul.
John was born on April 12, 1926, in River Falls, the son of Walter and Nettie (Anderson) Swenson. He was baptized and confirmed at Rush River Lutheran Church. John attended Gertrude country school, River Falls High School, and finished his education in the Navy. In 1943, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy During WWII, he served on the USS KNOX and saw action in the Pacific Theatre, including the islands of Leyte, Lu Zon and Iwo Jima. In 1945, he was honorably discharged.
On Sept. 14, 1947, John was united in marriage to Ardie Nestrud at Bethel Lutheran Church in Hudson, Wis. This was the beginning of a 62 year marriage
During his life, John served as president of the Rush River Church Council, served on the Kinnickinnic Town Board and Equity Coop Board, was a lifetime member of the American Legion and a member of the American Legion Firing Squad. John and Ardie enjoyed camping with their Good Sam friends.
John was a man of many talents ranging from woodworking to having a rousting conversation about just about anything. He believed in lifelong learning. If he didn?t understand a topic, he would research and learn about it. John had a photographic memory. Once he even read the entire book of Mormon so he could have an educated discussion with a coworker who was a Mormon.
Perhaps his favorite work was with General Mills, flying weather balloons. These balloons were actually gathering specialized data for use by the U.S. government during the Cold War. While John enjoyed farming, he was also an inventor, having several patents at Sperry Univac. John was also a prolific writer, having written 3 books and often sending letters to the editors of local papers. His opinions were well known relating to the goal of energy independence.
Faith and family were the most important things in his life. He and Ardie, his true love, lived each day to the fullest, enjoying the many blessings that God had given them.
John is survived by his loving wife, Ardie; his children, Robert (Kathy) Swenson of River Falls, Toni Christiansen of River Falls; grandchildren, Kelly (Scott) Firlus, Craig (Sara) Swenson, Tracy (Jason) Nolan, David (Amanda) Swenson, Brenda (Eric) Lund; great-grandchildren, Dawson and Morgan Firlus, Andy and Erin Nolan, John R. Swenson; sisters, Arlene Odbert, Verda (Bob) Grefe, Norma (Lloyd) Nelson, Edith (Minnard) Hojem; brother, Roger (Pat) Swenson; nieces, nephews, relatives, and many friends.
Preceding him in death were infant son, Gregory; brother, David; parents, Walter and Nettie; son-in-law, Dave Lubich; sister, Shirley Sitz; and two grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be John?s five grandchildren and his godson, Randy Smith. Honorary pallbearers will be his five great-grandchildren. Burial at Rush River Cemetery.
Services will be held at Rush River Lutheran Church at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20. Visitation will be from 3-8 p.m. Friday at the church and for one hour prior to services on Saturday.
Full military honors provided by Fletcher-Pechacek American Legion Post, River Falls.
Online condolences may be expressed at Cashman-Hill Funeral Home & Cremation Services of River Falls is assisting the family with arrangements.
John Swenson February 16, 2010 - Recent Obituaries - Hill Funeral ...John Wesley Swenson. April 12, 1926 ~ February 16, 2010. Age 83, of River Falls, died Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at. United Hospital in St. Paul. John was ..
Service Information
Funeral services for John will be 12:30pm, Saturday, February 20th, 2010 at Rush River Lutheran Church, N8623 County Rd. Y, River Falls, WI. Rev. Gerd Bents will officiate. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Visitation will be from 3:00pm until 8:00pm at the church on Friday,and for one hour prior to service on Saturday.
John Wesley Swenson
April 12, 1926 ~ February 16, 2010
Age 83, of River Falls, died Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at United Hospital in St. Paul.
John was born on April 12, 1926 in River Falls, the son of Walter and Nettie (Anderson) Swenson. He was baptized and confirmed at Rush River Lutheran Church. John attended Gertrude country school, River Falls High School, and finished his education in the Navy. In 1943 he enlisted in the U.S. Navy. During WWII he served on the USS KNOX and saw action in the Pacific Theatre, including the islands of Leyte, Lu Zon and Iwo Jima. In 1945 he was honorably discharged.
On September 14, 1947, John was united in marriage to Ardie Nestrud at Bethel Lutheran Church in Hudson, WI. This was the beginning of a 62 year marriage.
During his life, John served as President of the Rush River Church Council, served on the Kinnickinnic Town Board and Equity Coop Board, was a lifetime member of the American Legion and a member of the American Legion Firing Squad. John and Ardie enjoyed camping with their Good Sam friends.
John was a man of many talents ranging from woodworking to having a rousting conversation about just about anything. He believed in lifelong learning. If he didn?t understand a topic, he would research and learn about it. John had a photographic memory. Once he even read the entire book of Mormon so he could have an educated discussion with a coworker who was a Mormon.
Perhaps his favorite work was with General Mills, flying weather balloons. These balloons were actually gathering specialized data for use by the U.S. government during the Cold War. While John enjoyed farming, he was also an inventor, having several patents at Sperry Univac. John was also a prolific writer, having written 3 books and often sending letters to the editors of local papers. His opinions were well known relating to the goal of energy independence.
Faith and family were the most important things in his life. He and Ardie, his true love, lived each day to the fullest, enjoying the many blessings that God had given them.
John is survived by his loving wife Ardie, his children, Robert (Kathy) Swenson of River Falls, Toni Christiansen, of River Falls; grandchildren, Kelly (Scott) Firlus, Craig (Sara) Swenson, Tracy (Jason) Nolan, David (Amanda) Swenson, Brenda (Eric) Lund; great-grandchildren, Dawson and Morgan Firlus, Andy and Erin Nolan, John R. Swenson; sisters, Arlene Odbert, Verda (Bob) Grefe, Norma (Lloyd) Nelson, Edith (Minnard) Hojem; brother, Roger (Pat) Swenson; nieces, nephews, relatives, and many friends.
Preceding him in death were infant son, Gregory; brother David; parents Walter and Nettie; son-in-law Dave Lubich; sister Shirley Sitz, and 2 grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be John?s 5 grandchildren and his god son, Randy Smith. Honorary pallbearers will be his 5 great-grandchildren. Burial at Rush River Cemetery.
Ellsworth (Wis.) Pierce County Herald, posted Feb. 28, 2010. Not in print, per email from the editor of the Herald?s sister newspaper, the River Falls Journal, April 14, 2010.
'Things come out of my head'
Pierce County Herald - Phil Pfuehler - Feb 28, 2010
While the extraterrestrials, called Runwaonians, differ from humanity, there are passages that imply intriguing links: ?They are members of the ...
Published February 28 2010
?Things come out of my head?
John Swenson was a town of Kinnickinnic farmer for decades, but many people will recall that his named appeared often on the Journal?s editorial pages.
By: Phil Pfuehler, River Falls Journal
Swenson on his tractor
John Swenson started farming dairy and beef cattle off and on in 1947 on Halo Drive in the town of Kinnickinnic. In the 1970s he added a second farm briefly in the town of River Falls. According to a May 1974 story in the River Falls Journal, Swenson rigged a system to convert cow manure into energy producing methane gas, dubbed ?cow-power.? By the late 1970s Swenson and some area farmers promoted the use of corn and grain crops as a fuel source (ethanol). Swenson was motivated by rising foreign oil costs. Submitted photos. [sic--just the one photo here]
John Swenson was a town of Kinnickinnic farmer for decades but many people will recall that his named appeared often on the Journal?s editorial pages.
?(Runwaonians) live, learn, work, propagate, practice a religion, grow old and die, embracing the belief that mortal life is just a stopping place till they return to their God and giver of all life in the universe.?
See more photos in the Feb. 25 print edition of the River Falls Journal.
LATER (March 25) I got this:
'Things come out of my head'
Pierce County Herald - Phil Pfuehler - Feb 28, 2010
John Swenson was a town of Kinnickinnic farmer for decades, but many people will recall that his named appeared often on the Journal's editorial pages ...
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?Things come out of my head?
Published 02/28/2010, River Falls Journal
John Swenson was a town of Kinnickinnic farmer for decades, but many people will recall that his named appeared often on the Journal?s editorial pages.
Word count: 1527
'Things come out of my head' | Pierce County Herald | Ellsworth ...Copies of each can be checked out at the River Falls Public Library. ... At the time of John Swenson's death last week, the couple was married for 62 years ..
Access this entire archived article for only $2.95
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?Things come out of my head?
Published 02/28/2010, River Falls Journal
John Swenson was a town of Kinnickinnic farmer for decades, but many people will recall that his named appeared often on the Journal?s editorial pages.
Word count: 1527
Ellsworth (Wis.) Pierce County Herald, Feb. 24, 2010, p. 8A, ?DEATH NOTICES.? The first item is ?John W. Swenson, 83.? See above posting of longer obituary. But the ?Herald? didn?t really print that. So the clipping service sent me this short obirtuary instead, even though it lacks my key words.?Richard Heiden.
John W. Swenson, 83
Obituaries | Pierce County Herald | Ellsworth ...John W. Swenson, 83, of River Falls, died Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010, at United Hospital in St. Paul. Services were held at Rush River Lutheran Church at 12:30 ...
Published February 22 2010
John W. Swenson, 83
Feb. 16, 2010
John W. Swenson, 83, of River Falls, died Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010, at United Hospital in St. Paul.
Services were held at Rush River Lutheran Church at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 20. Visitation was held from 3-8 p.m. Friday at the church and for one hour prior to services on Saturday.
Full military honors provided by Fletcher-Pechacek American Legion Post, River Falls.
100225River Falls J p.A1(U,UW,?NOV?,J.Swenson)I-II.jpg
100225River Falls J p.A3(U,UW,?NOV?,J.Swenson)II-II.jpg
100224Ellsworth PCH p.8A([u,uw,?nov?],J.Swenson).jpg
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